The recent housing starts for October 2012 shows a 3.6% improvement. The south and midwest regions of the country are showing the most robustness. The chart below shows the historical housing starts numbers. Chart: Housing Starts What we see if that the bottom has been formed with clear support. Starting in Jan 2012 we see […]
Holding Gold Is Better Than Paper – Self Directed IRA Update
There is another, pronounced trend taking place in the metals markets. There appears to be a significant shift to holding physical gold. As evidence of this trend, we refer you to the chart below which shows the yearly net change in demand for physical gold versus the amount of demand for holding paper gold via […]
Self Directed IRA Fraud And Scams: Scare Tactics or Truth?
Suddenly, we’ve seen a spate of articles from major media sources talking about self directed IRA and the potential for fraud. First of all let us start off by saying that self directed IRA investing is not for everyone. We get that and acknowledge it. However, not one single article published cites one single statistic […]
Q3-2012 Precious Metals Self Directed IRA Update
The World Gold Council just released their Q3-2012 Gold update. We thought that we would review some of the highlights. Q3 Summary Gold (US$/oz) returned 11.1% in the third quarter as investors responded to further central bank measures aimed at stimulating the economy. Volatility decreased during the period, with gold prices experiencing little movement in […]
Real Estate Trend Update And Self Directed IRAs
The Sept 2012 housing starts numbers are out and they show a significant change of 15% month to month change. Before everyone starts singing Happy Days Are Here Again, these numbers need to be put into proper perspective. First of all this is a very large number the likes of which have not been seen […]
Inflation Shows Its Taking Hold And What This Means For Self Directed IRAs
Wholesale inflation shows that prices increased by 4.7% for energy related goods and 0.2% for food. That is a total of 4.9% annual increase in the price of energy and foods. Core inflation (what the good ‘ol Fed and government uses) shows around 2.3%. What does this mean? What these numbers reflect is: 1. Inflation […]
The Sept Jobs Number – Self Directed IRA Update
The Sept 2012 jobs numbers came out and shows a decline in unemployment to 7.8% — down from 8.1%. Really? Does this seem plausible. The net number of new jobs created was 114,000. That is a very low, weak number and is not even enough to maintain steady state for the overall economy. So what’s […]
Inflation Outlook Update & Its Impact on Self Directed IRAs
We contend that inflation is not in check and is not within reasonable boundaries. […]
Why Gold Went Up Now With The Feds QE3 – What This Means For Self Directed IRAs
This past week the Fed announced that it would engaged in a continuous stimulus program from now through 2015 due to the continued weak and anemic labor market. The Fed committed to a monthly outlay of $40B to purchase mortgage backed securities. the theory here being that this will help stimulate housing and subsequently the […]
US Trade Policy And Its Impact On Self Directed IRAs
As you listen to the political theater that came from both political party campaigns, these last two weeks, you can’t help but ask the question “where are your real solutions?”. We hear both candidates talking about jobs. But really? You, the government can create jobs in the private sector? We never heard one single solution […]
Dr Copper Update And Your Self Directed IRA
As we have mentioned before copper prices reflects the future expectation of of consumer demand. Consumer demand comprises 2/3rd of the GDP. Copper is a major metal used in numerous consumer goods and related services. The current price pattern for copper is showing a head and shoulders pattern. Without getting too technical, this basically is […]
Gold Recognition As Money And Its Effect On Self Directed IRAs
In the June 18 meeting of the Fed ad FDIC they reviewed what are known as the Basel III standards for Banks. As a result of that meeting, the following key points were established: 1. Tier 1 assets, for banks, are the safest assets that a bank can hold in reserve 2. Gold is defined […]