Why Invest In Gold?

There are plenty of reasons why gold and other precious metals are a great investment. Because Gold is a great way to diversify your investments having gold in your retirement account is a very popular choice. Why not diversify your retirement investments with a self directed IRA? Being able to invest in other non-traditional investments […]

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Change Your Retirement Mindset

More often then not people are more concerned about retiring at a specific age rather than at a specific income. If we were to have the mindset of George Foreman then we would be in a much smarter position for retiring. I am sure you have thought about the age you want to retire more […]

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Is your Retirement Plan Ready?

We are getting closer and closer to the start of another year. Which is a reminder for all to get your retirement accounts in order Have you maximized your contributions? Have you taken your required distributions? For more help making sure your retirement accounts are in order check out THE END IS COMING – Preparing […]

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Is Financial Advice Always Sound?

I love reading about financial help and there is no shortage of it out there. It seems like everyone and their dog are dishing out financial help. You will find help on saving money, investing, retirement and so on. With so much information out there how do you know which information is good or bad? […]

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