Is a Gold Backed IRA Right for You?

An IRA is a great retirement account for anyone looking to grow their retirement nest egg over the span of your career. It makes saving even more advantageous because of the tax advantages that come with an IRA. There are different types of IRAs including: Traditional, Roth, SEP, and Simple accounts. Each one of these […]

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Self Directed IRA Rules

It may seem daunting and too difficult to understand and maintain a Self Directed IRA. You probably think that there are too many rules and issues that you don’t know that will get you in trouble or you think it is a better option to stay with a regular IRA at a brokerage company because […]

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Happy New Year

It is crazy to me that today is the start of 2014. Time seems to fly by faster each day. With 2014 now here it has spurred me to think about my goals. Yup I am just another one of thousands of people who love to set goals at the new year. I am hoping […]

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Self Directed IRA Rules & FAQs

Commonly asked Self Directed IRA questions Q.  What is a self directed IRA? A.  A Self Directed IRA is an IRA, whether it be a Traditional, Roth, Simple, or SEP, that allows you to invest in non traditional invesments.  This includes Real Estate, tax liens, gold and silver, loans, private placements, and other hard assets […]

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from your self directed IRA specialists at Accuplan Benefits Services! We hope you are enjoying your time with family and friends on this very special day. There are so many things that make us happy this special time of year but there are also some things that can bring some extra stresses. Hopefully […]

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Who are we?

I commonly get asked about who is Accuplan Benefits Services and American Estate & Trust, LC.  I thought it would be good to briefly explain who we are and what relationship between the two companies. Accuplan Benefits Services is not an IRA custodian.  They are a facilitator (administrator) of IRA accounts.  Accuplan Benefits Services answers […]

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Why You Should Invest in Gold

I have been watching gold and silver for the past 5 years since clients started using their IRA funds to invest in precious metals. When I started gold was trading for around 1000 spot and silver was trading around $10.00. Over the past 5 years gold has gone as high as 1889 and silver as […]

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Take a Minute to Invest in Family

Do you find yourself checking the stock market over and over again because you are worried about your stock market investments? It may not be the stock market but rather some other investment like real estate, business, etc. There are often times when we can get so wrapped up in our investments that we don’t […]

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Help Your Parents Prepare for Retirement

It can be a lot of work helping people get ready for retirement, especially if they are your parents. Most children don't even think of helping their parents for retirement, but the more you prepare your parents for retirement the less burdensome it will be on you. Sitting down with your parents and talking about […]

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