If you saved well for your senior years by consistently funding an IRA or 401K, you’re probably quite appreciative of that money now that you’re actually retired and using it. But the last thing you want to do is give up a huge chunk of your savings for no good reason. And if you neglect […]
The IRS Has Released IRA Contributions Limits for 2020
Each year, the IRS announces IRA contributions and their limits, Traditional IRA deduction income limits, and Roth IRA contribution income limits. Not only is there a maximum amount that Americans can contribute to their IRAs each year, but not everyone is eligible for both types of IRAs. Click here for the self-directed IRA contribution limits […]
Roth IRA Contribution Limits for 2019
After six years of being stuck at $5,500, the amount IRA owners can contribute to an Individual Retirement Account is being bumped up to $6,000 for 2019. The amount you can contribute to a 401K or a similar employer-sponsored retirement plan goes up from $18,500 in 2018 to $19,000 in 2019. Catch-up contribution limits if […]
Make Room in Your Budget for Retirement Savings {infographic}
The fact is that a majority of Americans don’t have a regular savings account, and an even bigger majority don’t have a retirement savings account. Living on a budget can be tough, especially if you’ve had to make cuts to your spending in the past to make sure you’re living within your means. But even […]
Accupod Episode 14: Finance Rant
This week, we’re talking about the things that bug us most in regards to all thing finance. Sometimes, you just want to rant, and this week happens to be our finance rant. Maybe you’ll find that you feel the same as we do in some of these finance wants. Come listen. […]
Accupod Episode 13: Private Placements
This week, we’re talking about the investment option of private placements. Private placements are an investment option inside an IRA. We explain what a private placement is, and how it works with a retirement account. […]
Accupod Episode 11: IRA LLC/Checkbook Control with Guest Ben Barker
This week, we’re discussing IRA LLCs. or as they’re also known, Checkbook Control. We brought on our expert Ben Barker to help us understand how they operate. […]
Accupod Episode 10: Countries and Their Debt
In this episode, we’re talking about how some countries handle their debt, and how that impacts their citizens. We’re looking at Germany, and Puerto Rico, and the stark contrast between them. […]
Accupod Episode 9: What is a Self-Directed IRA? Short version
What are your questions and concerns with self-directed IRAs? Here we have your answers! […]
Accupod Episode 9: What is a Self-Directed IRA? Long version
This week, we’re talking all things self-directed IRAs. From what it is, to if it’s right for you, and everything in between. A self-directed IRA gives you more control and more investment options, like real estate, precious metals, small business, private placements, and so on. […]
Accupod Episode 8: Making and Keeping Goals for 2017
This week, we’re talking all things goals in 2017. From how to makes goals, great goal ideas, and everything in between. What are some mistakes you’re making when you’re creating goals and resolutions? We’re talking about how to S.M.A.R.T your goals, and how to keep them. Let’s start off this year well, and have continued […]
Accupod Episode 2: What I Wish I Would Have Known – Accuplan’s Podcast
Remember when you were first starting to make financial decisions for yourself as a young adult? Do you remember the mistakes you made, either wittingly, or unwittingly? What do you wish you would do differently if anything? We all wish we had a time machine at one point or another, so what would you change […]