Interesting Retirement Statistics

I am a numbers man. I love looking at numbers and analyzing them to see what they mean. One thing is for certain about numbers, it can be fairly easy to spin the numbers in just about any way to prove a point you are trying to prove. Regardless, numbers are numbers and they do […]

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Self Directed IRA Services

We have discussed in-depthly what a self directed IRA is but lets recap for those still learning about these accounts. Self directed IRA –  An IRA account that you directly control and direct into investments of your choosing. A few common options for investments inside your self directed IRA are real estate, businesses, gold and […]

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When to Start Saving for Retirement

Nearly every day someone asks us when is the right age and time to begin saving for retirement, and we always answer that only you can determine when the right age and time is to begin saving for your retirement. However, we’d still like to offer a little food for thought as you thinking about […]

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Q3-2012 Precious Metals Self Directed IRA Update

The World Gold Council just released their Q3-2012 Gold update. We thought that we would review some of the highlights. Q3 Summary Gold (US$/oz) returned 11.1% in the third quarter as investors responded to further central bank measures aimed at stimulating the economy. Volatility decreased during the period, with gold prices experiencing little movement in […]

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