Dr Copper Update And Your Self Directed IRA

As we have mentioned before copper prices reflects the future expectation of of consumer demand. Consumer demand comprises 2/3rd of the GDP. Copper is a major metal used in numerous consumer goods and related services. The current price pattern for copper is showing a head and shoulders pattern. Without getting too technical, this basically is […]

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The ISM Report And Your Self Directed IRA

The July 2012 ISM report just came out and the the number came in at 49.8 versus the June number of 49.7. The ISM report is a general measure of manufacturing activity and specifically how much manufacturers are planning in procuring for the business. A number below 50 indicates negative or contractionary environments. The ISM […]

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The FOMC Meeting And Your Self Directed IRA

The FOMC – Federal Open Market Committee just completed their most recent meeting. They decided to leave interest rates at historic lows. In prior missives we discussed the downsides and negative economic impacts of these low rate. Without re-visiting prior articles, the downsides of such a continued policy is that retirees cannot move funds into […]

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Q2 2012 GDP And Your Self Directed IRA

The reported, headline, GDP numbers just came in at 1.5% in the second quarter. This is a major revision downward from 2% in the first quarter of 2012. This brings the overall annual growth rate in at 2.2% versus the previous 2.4% in Q1 2012. Overall these numbers are not statistically significant. In fact, it […]

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Hyperinflation Watch And Self Directed IRA Portfolios

As a general statement our predictions and outlook for hyperinflation remains unchanged. As we just reported, we are seeing significant signs of economic contraction from retails sales and consumer sentiment. We believe that its a misstatement of fact that the economy actually recovered and that we are now slipping back into recession. We contend the […]

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