SEP IRA vs Solo 401K

SEP IRA vs. Solo 401(k)

SEP IRAs and solo 401(k)s are both retirement plans for small business owners. However, there are differences in terms of their eligibility requirements, contributions and tax benefits. Before deciding which option is best suited for your business, you’ll want to consider the pros and cons of each. This guide examines the difference between solo 401(k) […]

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401k withdrawal rules

401(k) Withdrawal Rules

A 401(k) plan is a retirement account that employers offer employees. It allows workers to save a portion of their salary each month before IRS tax withholding. Many companies calculate contributions as a percentage of the employee’s salary and put the amount in a 401(k) account for the worker before paying them. After reaching a […]

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using your 401(k) to buy real estate

Using Your 401(k) to Buy Real Estate

One of the biggest challenges of finding a mortgage lender and buying real estate is saving enough money for the down payment. In some cases, you might find it beneficial to use your self-directed 401(k) to complete the purchase. Like any financing option, buying a property with your 401(k) comes with various pros and cons. In this […]

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SIMPLE IRA Basics for Small Business Owners

SIMPLE IRA Basics for Small Business Owners

A Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRA is an individual retirement account set up for employees through smaller employers. Typically, these smaller employers have a maximum of 100 employees and do not offer any other retirement plan. If you are a small business owner looking for employee retirement plan options, you may be […]

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401k investment rules

Invest How You Want With A Self Directed 401k

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Those who are self-employed can also open an individual or self-directed 401(k), a type of retirement account specifically designed to support businesses that employ only the owner, the owner’s spouse and business partners. If you have a 401(k), you may want to understand the relevant investment rules. 4 […]

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401k rollover basics

401(k) Rollover Basics

If you leave your job or retire, you may be wondering what your options are for a 401(k) rollover. Determining where you want to roll over your 401(k) is a crucial decision that can result in significant savings or costs. When you roll over your 401(k) with high-fee investments to your new employer’s 401(k) plan […]

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Save More Towards Your 401K in 2022

There is an obvious major benefit to contributing to a 401K retirement savings plan. A 401K has a higher contribution limit than an IRA offers, and for 2022, 401K contributions are even higher.  What’s Changing in 2022  Current 401K contributions for 2021 are maxed out at $19,500 for savers under the age of 50, and […]

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