financial planning for your 30s

Financial Planning for Your 30s  

Many 20-somethings are graduating from college, entering the workforce for the first time and learning how to navigate the financial responsibilities of adult life. When it comes to building toward and meeting your financial goals, your 30s is a great time to get started. If you will soon be entering your 30s, now is the time to […]

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Financial planning for your 40s

Financial Planning for Your 40s  

For many Americans, your 40s are your peak earning years. At this point, you are halfway between the point in your life when you entered the workforce and when you’ll reach the traditional retirement age. This is why this decade is an essential time to stay on track or get on track with saving for […]

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Change Your Retirement Mindset

More often then not people are more concerned about retiring at a specific age rather than at a specific income. If we were to have the mindset of George Foreman then we would be in a much smarter position for retiring. I am sure you have thought about the age you want to retire more […]

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