Are you looking to advance in your career? When considering possible financial implications, remember your 401(k) to minimize tax consequences. How you cash out your 401(k) after quitting depends on your account balance, future goals and your future and former employers’ retirement plan rules. It’s important to consider the 401(k) withdrawal rules, tax implications and alternative options […]
Category: Business Accounts
Employee Stock Ownership Plan Pros and Cons
Nearly 6,500 U.S. corporations have an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), making it a popular retirement option. If you’re considering implementing this structure, you must know what to expect. Knowing the pros and cons and how it compares to other options can help you decide whether it’s right for your organization and employees. Understanding ESOPs ESOPs are business […]
What to Do With a Terminated Employee Stock Ownership Plan
An employee stock ownership plan, otherwise known as ESOP, is much like an employer-provided retirement plan to encourage employees to buy shares of corporate stock and reap the rewards of their role in the company’s success. Generally, you can only buy stocks after being with your employer for a specific period. So what happens to your […]